AJ Bell Platinum SIPP

- The SIPP is provided by AJ Bell – a leading provider of trustee and administration services for Self-Invested Personal Pensions.
- AJ Bell Platinum SIPPs are established as a trust, with you and AJ Bell (PP) Trustees Limited appointed as its trustees.
- The SIPP offers a wide range for investment flexibility, including deposit accounts, stock market investments and gold bullion.
- You can choose any UK-authorised investment manager to manage the SIPP investments for you, or you can manage the investments yourself.
- Each Platinum SIPP has a dedicated administration team and access to our consultants.
- Our fees are clearly stated and reflect the level of work we carry out. Fees will normally be paid out of your fund.
SIPP illustration tool
Want to find out your projected pension commencement lump sum, maximum income drawdown pension or estimated annuity? Our illustration tool has the answers. It can even do projections for immediate income withdrawal – either from a new or an existing SIPP.
Generate SIPP illustrationInvestment account
An AJ Bell investment account gives you the flexibility to invest your pension online with one of the UK’s leading investment platforms.
Find out moreImportant information
Please note that the value of investments and any income from them can go down as well as up, and you may not get back your original investment. We do not offer advice about the suitability of our products or any investment held within them. If you require financial advice, you should consult a suitably qualified financial adviser.
Our consultancy team
Our experienced, knowledgeable team of consultants and support staff are here to help you make informed choices