Investment account

An AJ Bell investment account gives you the flexibility to invest your pension online with one of the UK’s leading investment platforms.
If you have a financial adviser you can open an AJ Bell Investcentre General Investment Account. If you look after your own financial affairs, you could open an AJ Bell Dealing Account.
Both options allow you to invest in ETFs and ETCs, as well as any securities that are quoted on a recognised stock exchange and settled within CREST. A full range of funds is also available, covering more than 4,000 unit trusts and OEICs – many with discounted initial charges.
- Cash can be taken out of an investment account at any time.
- Investment accounts can be set up for joint, designated and bare trusts, as well as charities and limited companies.
- Regular investing is available.
I manage my own investments - download the AJ Bell guide
I employ a financial adviser* - visit the AJ Bell Investcentre site
*To open an AJ Bell Investcentre General Investment Account your financial adviser must be registered with AJ Bell Investcentre. If they are not, they can register via the website.
Important information
Please note that the value of investments and any income from them can go down as well as up, and you may not get back your original investment. We do not offer advice about the suitability of our products or any investment held within them. If you require financial advice, you should consult a suitably qualified financial adviser.